Friday, February 5, 2010

The rescue will cost us billions

Mrs Merkel wearing green. She beams. It has some good news. Contrary to the rumors horror under which wants to keep General Motors Opel and upgraded with the hedge trimmer, the traditional brand with the flash but now sold to the Canadian-Austrian company Magna. Magna was the desire of purchasers of the Federal Government and the employees.
The Chancellor should announce it first. "I am extremely pleased. For Opel is now a new start possible. "
What do the employees of the takeover - click here>
Opel's rescue: "A day of good for the company," says Duisburg automotive industry expert Professor Ferdinand Dudenhoeffer. Has signed anything yet. "General Motors chief Fritz Henderson, but has spoken personally on the sale with Mrs. Merkel. The cat-and-mouse games of GM are so over. "
The sale to Magna, the world's largest automotive supplier company (70,000 employees in 35 factories), the Austrian-Canadian Frank Stronach (77). Magna and Russian financial partner Sberbank ever take 27.5 percent. The 26,000 German Opelaner, have declined the least, for the rescue on wage increases and holiday pay, hold 10 percent of the base business. 35% of New Opel "reserves GM. The Americans, the German expertise for the construction of environmentally friendly cars.
Opel saved. A reason to celebrate? No. Prof. Stefan Blatzel (FH Bergisch Gladbach): "Not only. The rescue will cost us billions. The Federal Government has so far pledged a total of 4.5 billion in loans. It is unclear whether keeping him there. "
Nevertheless, Opel Trustee Fred Irwin guarantees that the money stays in Germany. Dudenhöffer: "At the German sites still threaten job losses." Blatzel: "The Magna-plan calls for the elimination of 10,000 jobs. Since threaten harsh cuts. "But all Opel plants will continue to exist.
All information about: Opel Poker: Fiat wants to re-bid> GM checks to keep Opel> GM was 334 million euro tax money abzocken> Obama "gives" Merkel Opel factories> Magna wants Opel cars in Canada> how it works, Opel Wedding->