Thursday, February 25, 2010

How about Gaudi week?

Dusseldorf - Dusseldorf is the largest event again attracted 4.4 million visitors. Only the child has no real name. EXPRESS seeks therefore to you, dear readers, a title for the Great Kirmes am Rhein and the fireworks.
The response after the first call was overwhelming. Countless suggestions we received via mail, fax or e-mail. EXPRESS readers Wilfried Scharrer favors "Düsseldorf fireworks.
Satire was also present. Thus, a gigantic respondents came upon the idea of the fun, "Erwin-Thanksgiving" to nennen.Weitere suggestions: "Düsseldorf Gaudi week, Dusseldorf summer spectacle," "Apollinaris Maximus Dusseldorf", "Dusseldorf Rhein", "Düsseldorf Stars" , Düsseldorf Stars "," Stars Dusseldorf Rhein "," Rheinland-fair "," Düsseldorf Funzel-cracker "," London-Worlds "," Radschläger-fair "," Rheinkirmes "," Düsseldorf Lion Fever "," lion-flame " "London-flame", "Light Fantastic", "Rheinwiesen the hype", "Düsseldorfer Kirmes Fun with fireworks", "Düsseldorf Meadows Festival".
We extend all the proposals Sebastianers-wide contactors.