Friday, April 23, 2010

Mystery of keeper Robert Enke

Barsinghausen - speculation about Robert Enke (32). As Hanover's goalkeeper is really sick?
Since two weeks the keeper a mysterious infection carries around with him, which now brings him precisely in his hometown, at the international match against Azerbaijan.
Even two weeks ago, when Enke first felt unwell, her doctors took samples of Hanover goalkeeper a blood sample.
Because the players Cherundolo and Bruggink a pig flu was suspected had alerted the doctors. But the tests were negative.
 "At the weekend it became worse," says consultant Jörg Enke neblung. "On the night of Monday, Robert got chills. He has already lost three kilograms in weight. "
The DFB has sent a blood sample to the Tropical Institute in Hamburg. "The results are probably until early next week before," said coach Joachim Loew. "Now the whole diagnostic splint is used."
 What remains is uncertainty. "It could be anything or nothing," said Enke consultant. "That's why Robert is also very frustrated and snapped."
Read auchInfekt Robert Enke lame sets>